Pregnancy accompanies the lives of many women. It is not surprising that this period becomes a source of concern and excitement not only for the young mothers themselves, but also for doctors who surround them. After all, the mother may need treatment, and at the same time it is impossible to harm the child.
Medicines can cause the pathology of the embryo before the start of pregnancy, affecting egg cells and spermatozoa.
Embubiogenesis - It is under this name that the period of pregnancy is known, which occurs until thirteen weeks. At this time, fetus organs are formed. Of particular importance for the fetus have damaging factors. A particularly dangerous period is time starting with the sixth and ending the ninth week of pregnancy.
The development of the main bodies of the fetus occurs, starting with the fourteenth week and ending with the end of pregnancy. Drugs do not lead to ugliness at this time, but damage to the function of organs is capable of calling.
From the blood of the mother, drugs fall to the fetus, while they pass through the placenta. The state of the placenta and the concentration of the drug in the blood of the mother - the main factors to determine how much the drug falls towards the child.
Women's health, application deadlines and type of drug - those factors to pay special attention to. This applies to antibiotics in the first place, they must be taken very carefully. It is necessary to treat with great caution to the use of antibiotics. The final term of the formation of bodies in the fetus has not yet been confirmed.
On any period of pregnancy, it is possible to apply penicillins. In order not to be necessary to undergo a re-treatment course, it is necessary to end all sorts of infections.
The remaining substances are divided into several groups, depending on which harm they are capable of applying. Group A is here the safest, since no harm is borne. But there are practically no such drugs, at least in Russia, because each has certain side effects. The following group consists of drugs such as antifungal drugs, local anesthesia, anti-asthma agents, agents from allergies, drops for nose, paracetamol, hypotensive agents, anti-sized drugs, antacids, microelements and water-soluble vitamins.
You can easily find a list of drugs that make up each group. In any case, consultation with the doctor becomes a mandatory event. If the infection does not threaten mother or fruit, the treatment is better carried out after twenty-four weeks of pregnancy. asjatundjatega erinevatest valdkondadest.